About the Artist

Photograph of the artist

Matthew Fleet

Matthew works from home based studios in Georgetown and Kahshe Lake. Matthew studied visual arts at York University while earning his honours degree in geography and later earned a diploma in architectural technology from Sheridan College.

Inheriting his father’s artistic and technical skills, Matthew’s artistic journey began at a very young age. This journey however took a dramatic turn when he sustained a spinal cord injury at the age of 16. The injury left Matthew dependent on a wheelchair and needing to relearn how to draw with only limited use of his arms and hands. Today, his artwork shares time with a career as an accessibility consultant where he applies his lived experience as a person with a disability to create environments that are accessible to all individuals.

Matthew’s background in geography is evident in his series of hand drawn maps rendered in the style of antique 17th century maps. Inspired by his academic studies of antique maps of the Caribbean, Matthew rendered a map of Kahshe Lake where his family cottages. Prints of this map adorned with frigates and sea monsters were so popular amongst other Kahshe Lake residents that Matthew has gone on to produce a series of maps of other popular cottage destinations. Working in graphite with traditional drafting tools and techniques, Matthew accurately captures the profiles of the lakes and today’s place names along with all the embellishments typical of antique maps. The tedious nature of hand drawing a map decorated with intricate borders and mythical monsters typically limits Matthew to one creation a year, of which reproductions are printed. The reproductions of his maps all bear his signature and are printed on a parchment style of paper to embellish the old world feel. While the maps capture the content of modern maps, it is instead their charm and romance that earn them wall space in homes and cottages.

Occasional departures from his focus on maps have included detailed graphite drawings of Segwun and Wenonah II as well as a sentimental rendering of the Avro Arrow and a growing series of classic cars.

Matthew’s work is displayed at selected galleries and he shows his work at a number of art & craft shows.


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